The RB50 provides best-in-class, aggressive sweeping in a rugged design. This self-propelled broom features well-thought-out control placement and heightened visibility that makes this machine extremely easy to operate for drivers of all experience levels. Perfect for general application sweeping to highway use, the RB50 incorporates the notable quick-change brush system which allows one person the ability to switch the brush core within minutes.
LBP Equivalent: CB95
Find a DealerRosco RB50
Technical Specifications
Brush Location
- Center-Mount Brush Location
- Joystick control
- Variable down pressure and speed control
- Speed: 200 rpm max, variable by dial or engine speed
- Drive mechanism consists of direct hydraulic motor enclosed in broom core
- Quick change brush system
- Filter: tube type, poly, 32” diameter, 7’ 6” long
- Sweep angle: 45⁰, left or right
- Speed: 200 rpm max, variable by engine speed
- Length: 15’ 6”
- Width: 7’ 9” no tilted
- Height: 8’ 5” w/ROPS, shipping
- 9’ 5” w/ROPS and beacon, operating
- Wheelbase: 11’ 8”
- Turning radius: 10’ inside
- 18’ 9” outside
- Total weight: 5,510 lbs w/o water
- 6,710 lbs w/ water
- Tier 4 Final 74 hp (55 kw) max @ 2,500 rpm Hatz diesel 4H50TIC*
- Air cleaner: Rotary pre-cleaner
- Electrical system: 12 volt system, alternator and battery
- Fuel reservoir: 30 gallons